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The Best Feng Shui colours for a Home Office

Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years. It is a Chinese system that focuses on arranging and rearranging your home and office to promote good energy (or chi) flow. The system believes that when chi flow is blocked, it can have negative effects, such as illness, relationship problems, and an overall feeling of unhappiness.

The colours you choose for your home office have a very real impact on your success at work. Red and orange are passionate, stimulating colours, while blue and green are calming and soothing. In Feng Shui, each colour helps promote different energy, meaning you should pick the colour(s) that best represent you.

Here are the best Feng Shui colours for a perfect home office.


Feng Shui is an ancient practice that places a lot of importance on creating balance and harmony between humans, nature, and the surrounding environment. Red is considered a fire element, which means it’s extremely stimulating. If you’re lucky enough to have a large window in your office or an office with a view, incorporating red into the decor may be a good idea. Red is the colour of passion and is uplifting, so it makes sense that it’s used in Feng Shui to bring positive energy into your home office.


Teal is one of the Best Feng Shui colours for a home office, according to Feng Shui consultant and author Maria Kuriakose. It is a calming colour that brings good energy to the workplace. It promotes peacefulness, relaxation, and restfulness. When paired with other colours, such as orange, it balances out the energy and is excellent for creative spaces. Picture a teal closet (you can explore closet design raleigh nc or similar options in your location) set against the warm backdrop of orange hues in your home office. The juxtaposition of these complementary colors can create a sense of harmony and tranquility, evoking feelings of calmness and balance.


Green symbolizes nature, growth, and renewal, and is often linked to wealth, enthusiasm, fertility, and abundance. It emits a high frequency and is associated with inspiration, intuition, and psychic awareness. So, whether opting for green home office background options, upholstery, or other items in this hue, be confident that they can transform your workspace into a stress-free environment, fostering inspiration and rejuvenation.


Yellow is a vibrant, bright colour that evokes feelings of happiness, enthusiasm, and energy. It is the colour of creativity, communication, and action, so a home office painted yellow can be the perfect workspace for a creative or business-minded person. Now that you’ve learned more about choosing your home office colours and Feng Shui, you can learn more about how to use these colours to benefit your workspace.


Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of harnessing the universe’s energy to create balance in your life, including placing and arranging objects and furniture to maximize positive chi or life energy. Black is considered one of the best colours for your office since black chi is believed to be associated with wealth, ambition, and success. You can place a black sofa or desk in your office, or hang black curtains over the windows; or, if you prefer a more neutral look, black accents, such as a black picture frame, or black and white wall art, can brighten up your home office.

Every good Feng Shui consultant will tell you the importance of knowing about the Feng Shui colours for an office. This might seem trivial at first glance, since after all, why does it matter which colour you paint your office if it’s a home office? Feng Shui practitioners believe that arranging your home and office to promote positive energy flow can improve these negative effects and allow you to live a happier and healthier life.